Bands on Railroad Tracks

Let's see, we need an awesome band picture.  Something that says "wow, that band is going places."  Something edgy, yet vintage--stylish, but down to earth: EUREKA!!!!

Bands on Tracks.jpg

Musicians are drawn to Train Tracks like middle aged moms are drawn to teenage blood-suckers.  There is just something about those glistening beams of steel that says ROCK! and disco... and bluegrass... and tortured soloist... and **fill in the blank**.

It says: we're a family band

hire a band

It says: "We're Still Hip"


It says: "How Dark is my Soul?"

Professional Party Bands

It says: "We know how to have fun"

Country bands
Dance Band for hire
Party Bands

It says: "This is my only shirt"

Bands for hire

It says: "Legitimate Musician"

Background Soloists

It says: "Tormented Artist"

train boy.jpg

It says: "Sexy Rock God"

rock band.jpg

It says: "the bigger the bass, the better"

Bands on Tracks 3.jpg
Country Artists

It's not just the amateurs, either.  The big names are not immune to the power of wood on steel.

U2 chillin on the tracks

U2 chillin on the tracks

Train (not on tracks, but c'mon!)

Train (not on tracks, but c'mon!)

The Who

The Who

Johnny Cash straddling the beams

Johnny Cash straddling the beams

As long as those beautiful, horizontal ladders have been around, there have been bands to pose on them:
70s bands on tracks.jpg

As versatile and vivacious as the train yard may appear, just remember the countless bands before you and how unfaithful those transcontinental transports have been.  And, let's be honest, there really hasn't been a great picture among them.

So let's remember what those train tracks are really good for and let's keep it that way:

Train Planking

Train Planking

Michael Tobian2 Comments